Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it a boy? Is it a girl??

I headed down to see Chris at work today and he had the ultrasound right there. Of course we had to take a look just to see what we could see. I have had a lot of anxiety about doctors appointments, ultrasounds and all that comes with pregnancy after losing a baby.

When we got in there I did not want to see the screen until Chris saw that things were Ok. It did not take him long to say, "there's the heartbeat"... WHEW!!!

So I looked. I could see the flicker of the heart and I could see it moving its legs and arms all around. I have not felt any movement at all so it was wonderful to see it.

Chris looked at the spinal cord and from what he could tell everything looked good. Of course he is not sonographer (if that is even a word which I do not think it is) in real life, he just plays one with my belly. Then he tried so hard to get a good look around the baby's legs. Why would the baby cooperate?!?! Hard headed??? Wonder where it gets that from?? (the answer is Chris of course)

So we stop for a few minutes and try again. BINGO! Chris is 75% sure of what he did or did not see. I would tell you all but I think we will hold off for a week or so when we can get an official word. I guess I will hold off on either buying more pink or starting over with blue.

But.... this morning we went to breakfast and look at how cute Kennedi was in her new Briar.Claire hat. Is she not just to cutest?!?! She loves it!!

Anyway... that is all for tonight.. I'm really tired and going to head off to bed to maybe or maybe not think of some baby names.


Nancy said...

The suspense is killing me! I am so glad things aer going well!

Kandi said...

it is so cool that your hubby can give you an ultrasound!! i'm glad everything is looking good and cant wait to find out what it is!! oh and K looks adorable in her little hat!! too cute!