Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kennedi's new ride...

Chris did not have to work until this afternoon so we hopped in the car this morning and drove by a few yard sales. I am not much for doing this but I think maybe I could get used to it.

We stopped by one that had a kitchen set that was priced at 60.00. They told us they would take 40.00. We almost got it but decided not to, we could always go back to get it if it was still there.

We drove down the road a little and saw another one that had some outside toys. Chris spotted a Barbie Jeep right away. If you know Chris, you know that he is a jeep guy! He has a jeep that he is about to give up in November when Conner turns 16 (it was his idea). He went right to the jeep (and so did Kennedi). The guy told us it was 50.00 and that it still worked (charger and battery were right there). Then the guy said or make me an offer so I do not have to take it back inside. Of course Chris like this (he is also a bargainer.. which I hate to do). So he offered the guy 40.00.... SOLD!

Kennedi is now the owner of a new (to her), 40.00, Power Wheels Barbie Jeep... and she LOVES it.

I guess the next step is going to be Chris being the new (either new or new to him) owner of yet another jeep... more to come on that one later...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kennedi's 1st Braves game!!

My nephews birthday was this week and a bunch of the family and friends went to the braves game.

Let me tell you... IT WAS HOT!!! (note to self: no more day games)...

We had a lot of fun and Kennedi was great! Chris and I actually took Kennedi and sat under the shade and it made the game a lot more enjoyable.

The braves won!! I guess Kennedi is good luck (or at least I think she is).

I am waiting (patiently.. kind of) for the pictures that were taken at the game. I will post some of them as soon as I can!

Some new pictures of Ryleigh

Once again I went to the doctors for my weekly tests. This week she was pleased with my blood sugar levels and told me that I no longer had to come in each week for the fasting glucose test... SWEET!

Of course I do still have to go in each week for an ultrasound to make sure there is enough amniotic fluid and a fetal non stress test.

This week Chris did not have to go into work until the afternoon so he went with me.

And this is what he did during my test.....

I guess I cant blame him, there is something relaxing about listening to a baby's heartbeat over and over and over again.

Ryleigh does not like to get her picture taken. She is head down and she was face down. We tried really hard to get her to turn her head but it was a no go. Maybe next week!!

However, she did show us quite clearly that she is still a girl.. WHEW!

And that she likes to have her hands up by her head. Gotta love the little fingers!

And that she has a big foot! I guess she is going to take after her daddy!

Other than that....

I lost another pound!! That makes less to lose after she is here!!
My blood pressure is good!!

And I go back again next week!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A few videos

I just transferred some videos from the flip to the computer nad figured I would put a coupld on here....

There is one that I REALLY REALLY want to put on here but Conner would KILL me. Chris and I had him clean up Kennedi's toy room one day when he was helping us around the house. We took a video of him playing with a few of her toys. Ok he was not playing with them but he was putting her puzzles together. I asked him if I could post it and he said... absolutely not! So you can just imagine him in it.


Kennedi is a jumper! She hops all over the place. Today she tried jumping down the steps.

This one is a little long but it is Kennedi going over some of the signs she knows.