But it was so cute that we thought we should use them again. You know, since it did not work out well last time.
This time will be a whole lot better! We have made it farther than last time already. We went to the doctor today for our 12 week check and they heard a strong and steady heartbeat. Then the doctor let me know that after this point when they hear the heartbeat it is less than a 5% chance of miscarriage!
So we now proceed!
No it was not completely planned...but I guess things happen.
Yes we will find out what it is... when we can. Trust me, Avery would go crazy if we didn't. He is already very excited.
Yes I am hoping for a girl (just so it would be more convenient since we have all the girl stuff). But really just want a healthy baby of course.
As for Chris, he says it doesn't matter to him as long as it is healthy.
Being that I would like another girl, means that we will most likely have a little boy. That is perfectly fine too... but he may look funny in some of Kennedi's clothes.
Yes I have been sick.. but not near as bad a with Kennedi.
And the ETA for the last one will be ..... July 16, 2010.... NO BEACH FOR ME this summer.... WAAAHHHHHH
....and now Kennedi is sitting on my lap as i type, looking at her pictures above and signing "baby" like crazy. I do not think she realized those are of her!
Congratulations! How wonderful to have another sweet blessing on the way! :)
Praying that your pregnancy goes smoothly and both baby and mom are healthy!
How awesome!!! And another summer baby. What is it with you and wanting to be pregnant when it's stinkin' hot outside???
Woo hoo!!!! Congrats, Tara! I am really excited for you!
Thanks for entering my first giveaway! You need to leave 2 more comments though because you started a conversation in my community and that was worth 3 entries. Just do something like "entry 2 for conversation" and "entry 3 for conversation".
CONGRATS on your pregnancy!
Congrats Tara! So happy for you! Here's to a healthy momma & baby :)
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